3D Finite Elemente Analyse der Untergrund-Verbesserung mit Kunstharz-Injektionen unter einem mittelalterlichen Turm in Italien


(Artikel nur auf englisch und italienisch verfügbar)

In order to stop the settlement process of a mediaeval tower located in Città di Castello (Italy), polyuretanic resins injections were performed in the foundation soil.

The designing of the ground improving intervention was made with a 3D finite elements code and an analytical method based on the finite cavity expansion theory (Yu H.S. e Houlsby G.T., 1991), which allows to predict soil parameters changes due to resin expansion in the ground. During job site activity and for a long period after the works were finished the structure has been accurately monitored; the measured data seem to get on well with the one obtained from model analysis. The model creation, starting from the avilable geological data input, was necessary for the understanding of the causes which trigged to settlements. The Safety Factor improvement experienced during the simulation was about 30%.


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